Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Has Hecate feel no reason to feel angry?

Fair is foul, and foul is fair. We’ve hovered through the filthy air and demonstrated our weakness and powers with our fragile victim Macbeth. Nothing but tormented his mind. We played like instruments of darkness and evil in his ear; leaving him with feelings of ambition and fear. Reinforced his mind with negative feelings as our evil spirits taunt him in and out. We traded and played with Macbeth; in riddles and affairs of death. Not confiding with the principal of our charms, and she was never called to do her part. Has she not a reason to feel angrily? Nevertheless, we have done the greatest of everything she has taught us. We gave Macbeth misleading prophecies, where he developed unbridled feelings. Motivated him through greed tempted him to commit the deed and forced him to recede from his loved ones. What if Hecate takes our powers away? We’ve followed her footsteps by destroying the good and allowing the evil to prevail. The disruption we caused allows us to see a forecast of Macbeth’s uncontrolled behavior. She cannot harm us; we have done nothing but interfere with Macbeth’s business and tempt him with our evil spirits. Should we have informed our dear mistress before we met with Macbeth? Lethal spirits call me. ANON! Post by Larsha

Image Description:
We cherish this picture because it represents our evilness. This picture depicts the time where we tormented Macbeth without the help of our mistress. The backround sets an evil mood, which depicts our ability to pollute minds. This picture is extremely memorable because we've gradually separated from Hecate and went our independent ways in the world of witchery.

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