Saturday, June 20, 2009

Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble

By the pricking of my thumbs,

Something wicked this way comes

Friday, June 19, 2009

Start the Meddling!

How dare she refuse to give me any of her chestnuts! Hearing her munch on those delicious, yummy nuts one by one makes me want to destroy her. Who does that fat-bottom, scabby lady think she is, telling me to be gone. Whatever, I sensed happiness torturing her husband and making him a sleepless, cursed man. I mean, if someone’s nasty and disrespectful to me, obviously I will take revenge and make them suffer in pain. I don’t feel remorse or guilty for afflicting the sailor, I feel absolutely happy and blissful. O yes, today is the day, before the sun sets down, where my two wicked sisters and I meet the brave, noble Macbeth. I am eager to tell him his prophecies that he will be the Thane of Cawdor and soon to be the King of Scotland. I believe he would be thrilled of this and he will consider my evil sisters and me as good witches. This is going to be good. However, in order for us to show our true dark colors, we must play with Macbeth’s mind and pollute it by using our supernatural powers so that way we can see him suffer and go insane as well as ruin the relationship with his wife, Lady Macbeth.

Diary entry of Ahreby G

Image: We shall cherish this image because it represents when we first meet the brave, noble Macbeth and Banquo and tell them their prophecies. Due to this, Scotland becomes a total destruction and Macbeth’s relationship with Lady Macbeth detioriates.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ohh, the Amusement!

Macbeth shall suffer and go through thy pain. Ohh, the beautiful scene it will be. The country in total destruction. We love ourselves, our doings are so wondrous. Macbeth we pity breaking his head how he be king, like a child’s mind when on a rollercoaster. His struggle to figure things out and not sleep. Macbeth all confused and Lady Macbeth confused and calling upon the spirits. That’s a bonus we say! We want to have front row seat in this episode. Macbeth shall be king hereafter. Ohh the joy! Of his struggle. We shall tell him more. There will be even more amusement. I wonder how he react to thy words.
Perhaps we’ve said to much, Hecate will approve not. Not to worry we get our fortune of Macbeth’s misery, worth the while getting in trouble.

We shall cherish this image forever as it represents us meddeling in Macbeth's life. Due to this Scotland was in total disorder all because of us! We will keep this picture forever.

Dairy entry of Jenani

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Has Hecate feel no reason to feel angry?

Fair is foul, and foul is fair. We’ve hovered through the filthy air and demonstrated our weakness and powers with our fragile victim Macbeth. Nothing but tormented his mind. We played like instruments of darkness and evil in his ear; leaving him with feelings of ambition and fear. Reinforced his mind with negative feelings as our evil spirits taunt him in and out. We traded and played with Macbeth; in riddles and affairs of death. Not confiding with the principal of our charms, and she was never called to do her part. Has she not a reason to feel angrily? Nevertheless, we have done the greatest of everything she has taught us. We gave Macbeth misleading prophecies, where he developed unbridled feelings. Motivated him through greed tempted him to commit the deed and forced him to recede from his loved ones. What if Hecate takes our powers away? We’ve followed her footsteps by destroying the good and allowing the evil to prevail. The disruption we caused allows us to see a forecast of Macbeth’s uncontrolled behavior. She cannot harm us; we have done nothing but interfere with Macbeth’s business and tempt him with our evil spirits. Should we have informed our dear mistress before we met with Macbeth? Lethal spirits call me. ANON! Post by Larsha

Image Description:
We cherish this picture because it represents our evilness. This picture depicts the time where we tormented Macbeth without the help of our mistress. The backround sets an evil mood, which depicts our ability to pollute minds. This picture is extremely memorable because we've gradually separated from Hecate and went our independent ways in the world of witchery.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Speak. Demand. We'll answer.

We have yet to live through the time where honourable men can keep true to their titles. Our honest joy lies in putting mankind to their tests where they reveal to the world their truest nature. Macbeth has fallen victim under the prophecies we, the witches made clear to him. The lost soul could not decipher the true meanings of our telling of the fortune. The king acted upon our words and made true what we said only to be less than what he can be. He took the lives of honourable men, his cousins selflessly. He is now sleepless with a mind full of crawling worms but yet he needs more confirmation from the evil sisters. He has failed to learn his lesson that the witches have mischievous minds where we do not exist to aid his desires. Macbeth will demand for more prophecies but this has annoyed even the hair of our backs. He is no king of ours- he is nothing but a mere fact of existence. He is weak and our ability to harm him is far greater than his to harm us. He lacks the knowledge that the earth is ours to spin- the air, the wind, the waters and everything else is under our command.

We will cook visions and stir in Macbeth’s fate into a potion. We will show him the truth but the fun is ours to have. A king like Macbeth, who has befriended the darkness, will only sink deeper into it. He will once again fail to see the meaning of our apparitions and will welcome his own downfall.

Image : The witches are preparing for the forthcoming appiritions Macbeth will encounter.

Video: Mistakes made by humans. In search for power, men have created their peaceful world into a chaotic mess.

Diary entry by Sartaz